Can Adults Get Braces?

No question is a bad question when it comes to your health. Can adults get braces? The answer is yes, and our team at Texas Family Orthodontics is here to explain to you why it may be important that they do! 

Why Do You Need Braces?
Reasons for braces can span a huge range of conditions and circumstances, but the following could be applied specifically to adult patients. Dr. Vo will always work to find the best solution for your individual situation.

  • Aesthetic Concerns: You may have issues with your smile that have bothered you for years. Braces at this stage in life can help you address these concerns.
  • Health Benefits: Another important reason for braces involves oral health issues, as misalignment can lead to discomfort and pose challenges in maintaining proper hygiene.
  • Prevention of Issues: Tackling orthodontic concerns in adulthood is not necessarily too late. Some issues must be addressed to prevent them from worsening over time.
  • Jaw Issues: Referred to as TMJ disorders, these conditions may cause jaw pain, headaches, and difficulties in jaw movement. Our treatments aim to alleviate these symptoms by correcting alignment issues.
  • Bite Problems: The correction of overbites or underbites is a common and often necessary reason for considering braces, addressing functional aspects of dental alignment.
  • Preparation for Restorative Procedures: Braces are sometimes needed before dental restorations, such as implants or bridges. This ensures proper tooth and bite alignment before dental work is done.
  • Career and Social Considerations: Maintaining an appealing smile is particularly crucial in certain professions. Braces can assist individuals in achieving this valuable career asset.
  • Technological Advances: Contemporary methods like InBrace and Invisalign offer a discreet treatment option, appealing to those seeking a less conspicuous orthodontic approach. More details on this topic will follow!

Can Adults Get Braces?

Choosing Your Treatment

In most orthodontic practices, including ours, there are three primary treatment options. Each of these options offers unique advantages for our adult patients, and our team will provide you with a thorough discussion of these benefits.

  • Traditional metal braces represent a classic, cost-effective, and efficient orthodontic option. They treat the widest range of orthodontic issues and are still the most popular choice for treatment. 
  • Crafted from a unique material closely matching tooth color, ceramic braces provide a discreet option. Although they still include visible wires, they blend in better with your teeth, and that makes them a popular choice for patients looking for something less obvious. 
  • InBrace hidden braces are a choice that not every office offers! These braces use an advanced Smartwire and go behind your teeth. They are a great option if you are looking for fewer appointments, faster treatment, and braces that you can’t see from the front. 
  • For those desiring to eliminate wires and brackets entirely, clear aligners will be the ideal choice. Utilizing custom-made plastic trays, aligners offer near invisibility, making them a highly appealing solution for many patients.


We’re here to answer all of your questions—and while this list might not cover them all, we hope it’ll address a few. 

  • How much do braces cost?

The cost of orthodontic treatment varies depending on several factors. Insurance plays a pivotal role in determining expenses, and this is always discussed on an individual basis. The cost will also depend on the type of orthodontic appliance selected and the complexity and length of time your treatment will take. Clear aligners and hidden braces are the most bespoke and, therefore, more expensive. Regardless, our team is dedicated to working closely with you to create the perfect payment plan.

  • Do they hurt?

This question is frequently asked by our patients, and it’s entirely understandable, especially for those entering treatment with limited prior experience. It’s important to acknowledge that discomfort is more common than actual pain. Adjusting to orthodontic appliances takes some time, usually about a week. The team at Texas Family Orthodontics will make sure you are well-prepared and taken care of. 

  • Do I have to wear a retainer after having braces?

Retainers are an integral part of the treatment process for everyone undergoing orthodontic treatment. Their primary purpose is to preserve the results that you have diligently achieved. Maintaining your new smile requires a commitment to wearing your retainers overnight, and we offer a Smile Protection Plan to make it easy to protect your investment.

  • Am I too old for braces? 

Absolutely not. There are orthodontic solutions for individuals of all ages. Even if you have existing issues, such as missing teeth or gum problems, we can coordinate your treatment with other dental providers and additional procedures as needed.


Can Adults Get Braces?

Braces for All!

Being an orthodontist means being there for everyone who needs our help. We wish that orthodontic issues stopped at a certain age, but they don’t! So, if you’re looking for treatment, contact us! We have two offices, in San Antonio and Windcrest. You can reach both at 210-903-5480.