Braces & Clear Aligners in San Antonio

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The Texas Family Orthodontics team is standing by to talk with you through any questions and concerns. If you contact us after office hours, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible, and at least by the next business day.

Use the form to let us know when you’re ready to come in for your consultation.

Texas Family Ortho team member smiling

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Fill out this form, and you'll hear from our Texas Family Orthodontics team as soon as possible to schedule your consultation appointment with Dr. Vo.

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San Antonio Orthodontic Office

Bandera Rd.

10350 Bandera Road, Suite 122
San Antonio, TX 78250

Call: (210) 903-5480
Text: (210) 903-5480

San Antonio Orthodontic Office

Midcrown Dr.

8047 Midcrown Drive, Suite 106
San Antonio, TX 78218

Call: (210) 646-9779
Text: (210) 903-5480